Thursday, January 21, 2010

Life is interesting

I asked the hubs if he wanted to go into town, 6 miles away, last night for a quick fastfood pickup, so off we went. Grabbed it and came home to watch the news and found out we JUST missed a tornado...then it proceeded to travel by our home and ruin a few things along the way. We are all reported to Vickie , no goats impaled into the trees, no mini stallion airborn to FT.Worth, God is truly good.

Now something you ever read Rhonda's blog about living simply and frugally? Great woman, my mentor. She has had a feature on her site on kitchen sinks from around the world....well worth checking out. So I was looking at it last nite and realized that the kitchen featured was (I had thought) just down the road from us! It was farther east, but still a neighbor, so I intro'd myself...glad to meet you, my name is Elaine, we're neighbors and I met you in Australia! She wrote back...twice, the second time to check on our welfare since we were in the area the tornado hit! What a small world the internet has made for us.

I am posting another blog later, just wanted to update on the weather here. Have a great evening...Elaine


  1. EGADS. I well remember the tornadoes when I lived in Dallas....SO glad it missed you!

    I met my best friend down the street on an international machine embroidery yahoo group. She found out I was in Michigan, asked what city, then asked what area, then asked what street - oh my we're NEIGHBORS, lol! Yes, it's a small, small world.

  2. Glad to know you are ok. LOL about driving such a distance for "fast food".


  3. Hi Elaine - I'm following now, so I can keep up with you - you are a busy lady! Happy Birthday and Congrats on the new baby!!
