What are you working on?
quilting, embroidery, gardening, family, or anything else I want~~
Thursday, December 29, 2011
I haven't shown my paperdoll quilt that I am making for my BFF. A bit unprofessional? Ahhhh, yes. I am finding more and more difficult to applique each day. I have locking finger joints on my ring and middle fingers on both hands...you may have heard of "trigger finger" before. It really sucks to try and do most needlework, I have to stop and pop the finger out....take aspirin or tylenol for pain, do some more applique. Whining over, here are some pics...I know she will love it.
What are you working on?
What are you working on?
Sunday, December 18, 2011
The coolest Christmas gift ever!
My friend, BeeBee, in Louisiana, sent me some really cute napkins~~
She found the tutorial on youtube.com sometime back. Very cute, very simple.
A green and red fabric circle.
It appears they are sewn right sides together, with a small slit, clipped, turned and pressed.
They are pressed nicely, but, if you notice, there are pressing marks in the fabric. And the circle is folded with @ 1/2" of the red showing.
Now, can you see the fold marks in the circle? I so love short and sweet.
I plan on a few more of these dinner napkins. Wouldn't this make a great last minute gift?
Pop on over to BeeBee's blog and check out her new "babies." One takes electricity and the other makes you smile~~
Merry Christmas, Elaine
As a sidenote, I know not who came up with this pattern, but since it was on youtube.com, I am going to assume it's public domain.
She found the tutorial on youtube.com sometime back. Very cute, very simple.
A green and red fabric circle.
It appears they are sewn right sides together, with a small slit, clipped, turned and pressed.
They are pressed nicely, but, if you notice, there are pressing marks in the fabric. And the circle is folded with @ 1/2" of the red showing.
Now, can you see the fold marks in the circle? I so love short and sweet.
I plan on a few more of these dinner napkins. Wouldn't this make a great last minute gift?
Pop on over to BeeBee's blog and check out her new "babies." One takes electricity and the other makes you smile~~
Merry Christmas, Elaine
As a sidenote, I know not who came up with this pattern, but since it was on youtube.com, I am going to assume it's public domain.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Black Friday sale in my shop
20% off everything in my shop until this Friday until around midnight. Black Friday, wahoo!!
Just type in: 20off in the message box of the checkout. Lots of sellers on etsy are having similar sales, have fun looking around and finding lots of fun fabrics!

We are having the old Butterball today. I am working tomorrow and the earthfamily is coming in a few hours. I think I enjoy Thanksgiving dinner a wee bit much...turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. Cranberry jelly (in the can...the hubs loves it), cranberry jello salad, lemon 7up salad, green salad with shrimp, stuffed celery, deviled eggs, candied yams...oh, almost forgot. I made 2 pumpkin pies, a first for me, yup, from scratch! We'll see how that turns out, lol. I'll try to remember to take pics before I jump into it.
I hear the oven going off...later, don't forget to head over to my shop for the sale~~
Just type in: 20off in the message box of the checkout. Lots of sellers on etsy are having similar sales, have fun looking around and finding lots of fun fabrics!

We are having the old Butterball today. I am working tomorrow and the earthfamily is coming in a few hours. I think I enjoy Thanksgiving dinner a wee bit much...turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. Cranberry jelly (in the can...the hubs loves it), cranberry jello salad, lemon 7up salad, green salad with shrimp, stuffed celery, deviled eggs, candied yams...oh, almost forgot. I made 2 pumpkin pies, a first for me, yup, from scratch! We'll see how that turns out, lol. I'll try to remember to take pics before I jump into it.
I hear the oven going off...later, don't forget to head over to my shop for the sale~~
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Where's Elaine at...?
A sweet friend asked for inspiration about using some charm packs. I sent her this to check out. I also sent her:
The film strip quilt is one of my favorites to do with charms.http://soggybottomflats.blogspot.com/search?q=film+strip
And the really cool thing is you don't have to use white, you can use just about any color you want. I have a couple "go to" blogs I hit when I need inspiration. Try:
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:42 AM, Elaine Christian wrote:
http://crazymomquilts.blogspot.com/ take time to really go thru her blog, she is awesome!
http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/ nothing to do with quilting, just a wonderful blog about living right. I want to be this woman, real bad.
http://www.filminthefridge.com/ what an inspiring quilter! This chick is very awesome
http://thehappyzombie.com/blog/ I could go on all day on Monica! real cool lady, awesome quilts. If only I could be half that talented!
http://www.psiquilt.com/ she is an awesome quilter too
http://www.quiltingbeeblocks.com/ don't go to this site unless your wine glass is full, the Brie is spread on the crispy chilled Asian pear, the kids are at summer camp, the hubs is gone hunting...omg, be prepared to be amazed!
http://lucyquilting.blogspot.com/ Lucy is totally awesome. I would so love to have scones and tea with her. Be sure to take time to see her gems, the lady is an artist and does alot by hand.
http://quiltsalott.blogspot.com/ omg, another full glass wine kind of reading...Janet is soooo very talented, truly an artist I would love to watch work.
http://reproquiltlover.blogspot.com/ wow. But then I heart repro quilts
http://sentimentalstitches.net/ Gay and Clutch are very cool. She has a ton of freebie patterns on her site. I love to visit her blog frequently to see where that little cutie Clutch is lounging, lol!
http://theslightlymadquiltlady.blogspot.com/ ms.Lottie is in New Zealand, is an awesome quilter who raises her children in such a wonderful way. I love her!!
http://soggybottomflats.blogspot.com/ she must be in a coma, no action here!
When I need a, "oh heck yes, that is exactly what I need to jump start my mojo," this is where I go. I love all these ladies and truly wish I could gather them all together for a spot of tea, or a cuppa!

And the really cool thing is you don't have to use white, you can use just about any color you want. I have a couple "go to" blogs I hit when I need inspiration. Try:
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:42 AM, Elaine Christian
The film strip quilt is one of my favorites to do with charms.http://http://nanalizzie.blogspot.com/ http://www.cluckclucksew.com/ she does great tutorials on her blog!soggybottomflats.blogspot.com/ search?q=film+strip
And the really cool thing is you don't have to use white, you can use just about any color you want. I have a couple "go to" blogs I hit when I need inspiration. Try:
http://www.psiquilt.com/ she is an awesome quilter too
When I need a, "oh heck yes, that is exactly what I need to jump start my mojo," this is where I go. I love all these ladies and truly wish I could gather them all together for a spot of tea, or a cuppa!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Christmas 2011, we can make a difference!
I received this in an email from a good friend of mine from back east. It could apply to Canada, Australia or wherever else that is drowning in goods not from their own countries. As a small business owner, I have felt the crunch of the economy. So I will be using these principals for myself this year! **Remember sister Georgie, slip Canada in...oops, Canada is American too! And Lizzie, you slip Australia in where appropriate**
Christmas 2011 -- Birth of a New Tradition As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into highgear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods --merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American labor. This year will be different. This year Americans will give the gift of genuineconcern for other Americans. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift-giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by American hands. Yes there is! It's time to think outside the box, people.
Who says a gift needs to fit ina shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper? Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificatesfrom your local American hair salon or barber? Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about somehealth improvement. Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, American-owneddetail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or abook of gift certificates.
Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plonking downthe Benjamines on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful giftreceiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course. There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about a half-dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town Americans with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.

How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by the American working guy?
Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day. My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is struggling to get his repair business up and running.
OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.
Plan your holiday outings at local, owner-operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theater? Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.
Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand foreign-made lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of light, about fifty cents stays in the community. If you have those kinds of bucks to burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or delivery person and babysitter a nice BIG tip.
You see, Christmas is no longer about draining American pockets and seeing our hard-earned wages go outside the country. Christmas is now about caring about US, encouraging American small businesses to keep plugging away to follow their dreams. And, when we care about other Americans, we care about our communities and the benefits come back to us in ways we couldn't imagine.

THIS is the new American Christmas tradition. Enjoy family get-togethers, church services, caroling, as in past Christmases but put more emphasis on the REASON FOR THE SEASON and less on material gifts.

Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussiongroups -- throw up a post on Craigslist in the Rants and Raves section inyour city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations,and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about each other,and isn't that what Christmas is about, plus remember Jesus after all HE is the reason for the season !!!

Christmas 2011 -- Birth of a New Tradition As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into highgear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods --merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American labor. This year will be different. This year Americans will give the gift of genuineconcern for other Americans. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift-giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by American hands. Yes there is! It's time to think outside the box, people.

Who says a gift needs to fit ina shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper? Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificatesfrom your local American hair salon or barber? Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about somehealth improvement. Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, American-owneddetail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or abook of gift certificates.

Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plonking downthe Benjamines on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful giftreceiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course. There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about a half-dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town Americans with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.

How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by the American working guy?
Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day. My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is struggling to get his repair business up and running.
OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.

Plan your holiday outings at local, owner-operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theater? Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.

You see, Christmas is no longer about draining American pockets and seeing our hard-earned wages go outside the country. Christmas is now about caring about US, encouraging American small businesses to keep plugging away to follow their dreams. And, when we care about other Americans, we care about our communities and the benefits come back to us in ways we couldn't imagine.

THIS is the new American Christmas tradition. Enjoy family get-togethers, church services, caroling, as in past Christmases but put more emphasis on the REASON FOR THE SEASON and less on material gifts.

Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussiongroups -- throw up a post on Craigslist in the Rants and Raves section inyour city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations,and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about each other,and isn't that what Christmas is about, plus remember Jesus after all HE is the reason for the season !!!

Monday, November 7, 2011
Well, we did it...!
but first, here is Helen's, my bff, Christmas quilt. It JUST came back from the quilters and doesn't have the binding on yet.
The next pic is a pic of a project we have tried, a Pioneer Braid. I am not crazy about it. But...we keep trying, lol.
Now, the coveted embroidery hoop. Helen tells me that she has had this for years. I love it to pieces. I have searched the internet to no avail, no such hoop. I love it though. Check it out...
It has little sections on it with a stretcher wire under the beads. It appears to be made to accept a single piece of fabric, like a kitchen towel or pillowcase.

The next pic is a pic of a project we have tried, a Pioneer Braid. I am not crazy about it. But...we keep trying, lol.
Now, the coveted embroidery hoop. Helen tells me that she has had this for years. I love it to pieces. I have searched the internet to no avail, no such hoop. I love it though. Check it out...
It has little sections on it with a stretcher wire under the beads. It appears to be made to accept a single piece of fabric, like a kitchen towel or pillowcase.
Note to self:
Do not wear your mom jeans to Hooters!
And yes, we did go to lunch today...peel and eat shrimp...yummo. And I did get the T-shirt to remember our lunch date! Our waitress was so darn cute. She was awesome. Next time...come along with us!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Here's my reason
I haven't blogged in a week. My computer crashed so I had to buy another. The hubs hooked all the cords up to the back and moi got us online. I am now using picassa, thank you my fab friend downunder, Lizzy. No pics today, having an "interesting time" downloading in a new format, yadda, yadda. But I have to tell you why I may need bail money next Monday!
Every Monday I go to her house where we quilt, lie to each other and just generally be girlfriends. We do have a wee space in our ages, but we fellowship just fine. She "gets" me and I "get" her. My bff is 83, the one I am making the paperdoll quilt for.
We were sitting in her expansive sewing room today, sewing along, when she said she needed to go into the next room and write something down for her grocery list. She waits for one of her daughters to come every Wednesday, most months anyway, to take her to Wallyworld to shop. She did make the comment that it pretty well sucks to be her and depend on her daughter to take her shopping.
This is the conversation:
Me: so you only go shopping every Wednesday?
Bff: yes, unless I want to brave the roads to drive to Walmart on my own.
Me: how about if I come over next Monday am and take you into Dallas, we go to Krogers, we do a bit of shopping then go to this killer Chinese buffet. Heck, if we aren't careful, we might hit Hooters too!
Bff: oh, Hooters, I heard about that place.
Me: yep, the girls have big hooters but they say the chicken wings are yummo.
Bff: well, I think I need to see that.
Me: cool.
So here's the deal. When is the last time you took your grandmother to Hooters? And yes, I am taking my camera and buying her THE t-shirt! Could be fun...wanna go with us?
Every Monday I go to her house where we quilt, lie to each other and just generally be girlfriends. We do have a wee space in our ages, but we fellowship just fine. She "gets" me and I "get" her. My bff is 83, the one I am making the paperdoll quilt for.
We were sitting in her expansive sewing room today, sewing along, when she said she needed to go into the next room and write something down for her grocery list. She waits for one of her daughters to come every Wednesday, most months anyway, to take her to Wallyworld to shop. She did make the comment that it pretty well sucks to be her and depend on her daughter to take her shopping.
This is the conversation:
Me: so you only go shopping every Wednesday?
Bff: yes, unless I want to brave the roads to drive to Walmart on my own.
Me: how about if I come over next Monday am and take you into Dallas, we go to Krogers, we do a bit of shopping then go to this killer Chinese buffet. Heck, if we aren't careful, we might hit Hooters too!
Bff: oh, Hooters, I heard about that place.
Me: yep, the girls have big hooters but they say the chicken wings are yummo.
Bff: well, I think I need to see that.
Me: cool.
So here's the deal. When is the last time you took your grandmother to Hooters? And yes, I am taking my camera and buying her THE t-shirt! Could be fun...wanna go with us?
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The center block
I am nearly finished with the embroidery on the center block, just the last word. The 2 dolls are going to flank the words. I can hardly wait to get them down! Wait until you see the fabric I chose for the "girls."
I found this spring type aluminum hoop for this quilt, no screws to tighten. I like it much better than the old one. I am going to get a pic of Helen's awesome hoop, hopefully this week.
Off to bed, work comes early...have a great week~~Elaine
I found this spring type aluminum hoop for this quilt, no screws to tighten. I like it much better than the old one. I am going to get a pic of Helen's awesome hoop, hopefully this week.
Off to bed, work comes early...have a great week~~Elaine
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I want you to meet Bee in my Bonnet
I actually follow Lori Holt's blog, just a wee bit of a stalker, eh? If you haven't seen her blog, drop everything and head on over to see it. I would love to be one of her friends and go to her house.......I would encourage you to go back on her blog, be prepared to stay a long time so you can see everything she has in her house, including her to die for sewing room. Check out her unique finds, the little gifts she makes, and before you know it, you'll be at Lucy's house!
She makes the most amazing quilts and sells her patterns on different web stores and also at some of her local quilt shops. I would highly recommend this quilt shop...no excessive shipping, packaging was very nice and the speed was super! There are more of the story quilts, family reunion, count your blessings, gardening, etc. Have fun, back to my embroidery on the doll section...
She makes the most amazing quilts and sells her patterns on different web stores and also at some of her local quilt shops. I would highly recommend this quilt shop...no excessive shipping, packaging was very nice and the speed was super! There are more of the story quilts, family reunion, count your blessings, gardening, etc. Have fun, back to my embroidery on the doll section...
Friday, October 21, 2011
In between living....I love to quilt
Have you guys seen this quilt pattern? It's from Lori Holt at Bee in my Bonnet.
My bff, Helen, had a nice collection of paper dolls from when she was a little girl...Gloria Swanson, Shirley Temple, and many more girls of that bygone era. Her daughters are trying to help her downsize and one of them sold her dolls. I don't think she realized how she would grieve for them, but she is. She mentions them often.
She doesn't realize it, but I am making this quilt for her. But it is now Helen and Elaine, go figure! I have started in the center...
I found the most awesome gray for the scissor blades....love it.
I get to tackle the dolls next, wish me luck.
Have a great weekend...
My bff, Helen, had a nice collection of paper dolls from when she was a little girl...Gloria Swanson, Shirley Temple, and many more girls of that bygone era. Her daughters are trying to help her downsize and one of them sold her dolls. I don't think she realized how she would grieve for them, but she is. She mentions them often.
She doesn't realize it, but I am making this quilt for her. But it is now Helen and Elaine, go figure! I have started in the center...
I found the most awesome gray for the scissor blades....love it.
I get to tackle the dolls next, wish me luck.
Have a great weekend...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Does etsy give you fits?
I have tried to upload some pics for Jen....she needs some fun fat quarters to complete a project she is working on, but I am having difficulty sending the pics thru etsy. So, hello blogger, help me out!
So here you go Jen, more pics in a few minutes, k?
Monday, September 5, 2011
We found some fabric!
So, what do you think so far? My bff is happy and I think I am too! Now back to packing. It's time to wing off to my sisters' house in a few days. I fully intend to eat my weight in shrimp and Alaskan salmon...and I do weigh alot!
I'm still working on that blogger issue. Wish me luck on that one!
Can you help me please?
I have 2 different blogs with 2 different emails. I was wondering if there is a way to make both blogs go thru just one email address? I went to blogger help and got a headache trying to figure it out. Thank you for your assist, I appreciate it~~Elaine
Monday, August 29, 2011
Auditioning fabrics
Off to Helen's house today, talking about fabric for our quilt. We are still looking for the
dark fabric in the star blocks. We are trying to stay as "true" to the original as possible, but it's very difficult. I'm hoping to find a chocolate with lines of half moons. I know it's really hard to see this particular fabric, but look closer. Have you seen any reproduction fabric like this?
I am very anxious to get started.
As a side note. I have had a few emails and comments about this quilt. So let me explain a bit. My bff is 83 years old and lives alone. She is tired and has made quilts all her life for her family. She wants to make a quilt just for her. I guess it's a way for her to memorialize her family, to remember them. I want to join her in making one because one day I'm going to be tired too. My hands are beginning to show signs of arthritis and I love to hand piece and hand quilt and want to do this before my ability to move my fingers is lost. I want to make this quilt because it's a way for me to remember my family and for my kids to know who everyone was.
If you know who sells the chocolate fabric that we need, please let me know. Oh, and Helen says hi.

Now the fencing around the perimeter is appliqued down and appears to me to be a solid chocolate, we have that, whoppee! My bff is going to use her machine to piece and I am not.
I am going to hand piece mine. Now, to draft it out this week...I am very anxious to get started.
As a side note. I have had a few emails and comments about this quilt. So let me explain a bit. My bff is 83 years old and lives alone. She is tired and has made quilts all her life for her family. She wants to make a quilt just for her. I guess it's a way for her to memorialize her family, to remember them. I want to join her in making one because one day I'm going to be tired too. My hands are beginning to show signs of arthritis and I love to hand piece and hand quilt and want to do this before my ability to move my fingers is lost. I want to make this quilt because it's a way for me to remember my family and for my kids to know who everyone was.
If you know who sells the chocolate fabric that we need, please let me know. Oh, and Helen says hi.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Historical quilts
My bff is the sweetest lady in the world. I go to her home every Monday and sew, cut and quilt my day with her. Sometimes we open a box she has in a closet and carefully unfold the contents, usually something that makes her smile. Her mother was an experienced needlewoman in crocheting, embroidery, cross stitch....actually everything, except quilting. My bff is a quilter and has made tons of them. She lives alone, lost her spouse years ago, along with her parents. She naps in the afternoon after lunch and watches wrestling on TV 4 nights a week.
I brought an awesome book to her house to show her THE GRAVEYARD QUILT. It is possibly the most inventive quilt a woman has done to work thru the grief of losing her children. I showed her the book and the quilt. She must have been thinking of this quilt alot the past few weeks. She wants to make one. So do I. I don't find the quilt macabre. I want to make one. I have tried to do some measuring and guesstimating and think I have it down. Next Monday, we are going to go thru our stashes and see what we have. I want to use tea dyed muslin between blocks, borders and for the center.
I brought an awesome book to her house to show her THE GRAVEYARD QUILT. It is possibly the most inventive quilt a woman has done to work thru the grief of losing her children. I showed her the book and the quilt. She must have been thinking of this quilt alot the past few weeks. She wants to make one. So do I. I don't find the quilt macabre. I want to make one. I have tried to do some measuring and guesstimating and think I have it down. Next Monday, we are going to go thru our stashes and see what we have. I want to use tea dyed muslin between blocks, borders and for the center.
In 1836, a woman named Elizabeth Roseberry Mitchell began stitching a quilt in memory of her two-year old son, John, who had just died. In 1843, she added another son who had died at the age of 19. What’s so unusual about her quilt is that it features a graveyard in the center; on the top is where the graveyard is located in Monroe County, Ohio.
The outer border has appliqued fencing, and also up the center, from the bottom. Now, if you look closely, you'll see embroidered vines, leaves and flowers, twined thru the fencing. The original quilt has walnut hull dyed little coffins. We don't have those here, just pecans.
This is going to be fun, me and the bff. I want to get alot of it cut and prepped and ready for my trip to see sister. She came to see me last year, now it's my turn to go see her!
If you want more info on this historical beauty, visit:
So, what do you think?
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