Hmm, how about stamping the object, stamping on the freezer paper dull side and ironing on to the wool.
OMG, it works! Ta dahhhhhh!!!
I started searching around the kitchen, bathroom and "junk" drawer and found lots of goodies. I used a shot glass, rocks glass, lid for a pill bottle, etc. I have been known to hit the thrift store for the "right" circular object. I use cookie cutters too. Just remember if you use those, turn them over and use the non-sharp side as it will give a better line to see.
The freezer paper also has advantages of being used more then a few times. I have also found that the circular object, when inked up, will stamp from 2-5 times between stamping. Very cool!
I Cut the circles out and staple them in place ready for embroidery. I hope this makes your life easier and encourages you to give felted wool applique a try. I enjoy it and welcome any and all questions.
I was wondering if we were going to stamp the wool? Glad I read this first I would have had a big ol' mess on my hands, ironing board and every where else!