I was so pleased when the new Mary Janes Farm came in today. Have you seen this publication yet? If you're a farm girl or wanna be farm girl, this is for you. This issue is dedicated to preserving the harvest, what to do with all that corn, everyone can have a root cellar...I could go on. Mary Jane is organic all the way. The magazine sells for $5.99.
I bet you would like free shipping too...ok, done deal! I have a few copies of Jun-July magazines left, same price, same freeby shipping. This free shipping deal ends on the 4th of July. First come, first served. Send me an email to echristian851@gmail.com and I'll get back to you.
Check out Maryjanesfarm.com at a look back at last months issue or this months.
This sweet quilt top is from the quilt along from Old Red Barn Co. Even my little corners turned out cool! Very cute pattern and fun to do. Run over there for the Janome 6600 giveaway, yep, a real machine. Now I just have to quilt it.
Go quilt something, Elaine